By Barbara Loe Fisher
Is the childhood vaccine schedule safe? 1
In 1953, health officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control told doctors to give children 16 doses of four vaccines by age six. 2
In 1983, it was 23 doses of 7 vaccines by age six. 3
In 2013, it was 69 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18, with 50 doses given by age six. 4
With infants and children in America getting four times as many vaccinations as their grandparents got, how healthy are they?
Today, 1 child in 6 is learning disabled. 5 In 1976, it was 1 child in 30. 6
Today, 1 child in 9 has asthma. 7 In 1980, it was 1 child in 27.8 9
Today, 1 child in 50 develops autism. 10 In the 1990s, it was 1 child in 555. 11 12
Today, 1 child in 500 has diabetes. 13 In 2001, it was 1 child in 400. 14
On top of that, millions of children suffer with seizures, inflammatory bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, life-threatening allergies, anxiety, depression and behavior disorders. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
In 2013, a physician committee at the Institute of Medicine reported that there were fewer than 40 studies examining the safety of the government’s vaccine schedule for children under age six. 25
Only 40 studies.
Vaccine safety science has so many knowledge gaps 26 27 28 that the Institute of Medicine could not determine whether the timing and numbers of vaccinations given to babies and young children is or is not responsible for the development of learning disabilities – asthma – autoimmunity – autism – developmental and behavior disorders – seizures – and other kinds of brain and immune system problems. 29
An unprecedented number of children are born healthy, get vaccinated and are never healthy again. It is a public health crisis that cannot be ignored.
Before you take a risk, find out what it is.
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